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Dr. R. Wysong

If the Bible was written by the Creator of the universe—the ultimate truth—then its contents must be consistent with truth. There simply cannot be any Bible errors if it is of the hand of truth. In fact, finding Bible errors is one of the three means by which a holy book can be judged as coming from the Creator. Aside from actual errors found in the Bible, the writing cannot contain contradictions and cannot be unethical.

This website provides the resources to judge whether there are actual Bible errors, or other inconsistencies with the assertion of a divine hand.

I must point out, however, that this examination of possible errors or contradictions in the Bible has nothing to do with whether there is a creator of the universe. As the resources in this website demonstrate, there is powerful and incontrovertible proof that the universe and life cannot be explained without the intervention of intelligence. So disproving the Bible by pointing out Bible errors does not mean a person's only alternative is atheism and evolution. Particularly since both of these beliefs are inconsistent with logic and the evidence. (see links)

It is essential in determining if there are any Bible errors, that a person come to the subject with an open mind and a willingness to rely upon reason and evidence. An a priori belief and faith that the Bible is the word of God tunnels the mind to only one end result—the belief one starts out with. Obviously this is not fair and cannot be the path to truth.

Such dishonesty, not the critical evaluation of the Bible, is the true heresy. Think of it this way, if the Bible has contradictions and errors, and yet we attribute the book to the Creator, we in effect claim God to be a liar. Too much is at stake when attempting to speak for God by claiming what book he wrote to take anything for granted.

Starting with a belief or faith that is popularly held or that was schooled into us—such as "there can be no Bible errors," does not do if truth is the objective. And truth must be the objective since there is no difference between truth and God—they are simply different spellings for the same thing.

If we are to be better people and make a better world, we must be sure our beliefs have been carefully erected using reason and evidence, and then critically examined in the light of new evidence as it emerges. We must commit to the process of truth (God) seeking, not the subservient implementation of given beliefs. That leaves out beliefs we were born into, faiths that were hammered into us by parents, schools, or other authority figures and organizations.

The thousands of religions humans have devised are a testament to our desire to be sure, etch our sureness in stone, and then move on with life. There is little room in this scenario for religious books such as the Bible to contain errors. Thus, too easily "truth" becomes just a place to go when people get tired of thinking.

Few come to understand that once a religion codifies a belief, such as with a particular interpretation of the Bible, and demands faith, it must repudiate its own founding principles. Doubt, challenge, and criticism begin every religion. But religion, to save its institutional structure, must forbid doubt, challenge, and criticism. Thus even entertaining the possibility of Bible errors, contradictions or inconsistencies is anathema to the faithful. Truth seeking and human advance owes nothing to those who agree, only to those who differ. Doubt, not faith, is what educates.

Skepticism is seen as a dirty word to the religious. That precludes the discovery of Bible errors or weaknesses before any investigation can even be made. But skepticism only means we should not deny the possibility of anything. That would include the notion that we can gain truths, that there may be an intelligence greater than ours, that matter does not define reality, that we may be immortal beings in a temporary material shell...and that there may be problems – even errors – in the Bible.

Einstein warned, "If at first the idea is not absurd, there is not hope for it." To the committed Bible believer, the notion of Bible errors is an absurdity. On the other hand, some prize doubt so much that they will not believe some things even if they are true. We must be open minded, but not so much that we let our brains fall out.

To determine if there really are errors in the Bible, we must wipe the slate clean of prejudice and embrace our conscience, reasoning faculties, and the evidence. A priori belief should not be used to twist our reasoning or shoehorn facts.

This site will help you find the honesty to start anew with a mind, heart, and conscience that you truly own. It will help you find answers that can transform your life and the world.

The Bible either is or is not the word of the Creator. Since the book was ostensibly written so that anyone could read it and glean its pure, noncontradictory truths, that should be the basis for determining the existence of Bible errors. One should not have to be an arcane language scholar, historian, theologian, or archeologist to determine if there are contradictions, errors, or inconsistencies in the Bible.

So use the links provided here to journey into the Bible to see if it contains any errors. If it does not, it deserves our utmost attention and reverence. If it does, then we must seek an understanding of the Creator in another way.